Fear and Trupture Clearing

Fear and Temptation

Another energy-based type is the Fear- Beast. These types are not the “bad” scary types many of us have fears, but they are the fear-based types who always think there’s something wrong or something bad going to happen. Fear is the root cause of all negative emotions, as well as negative energy. They are very powerful energy fields and can anchor anyone anywhere and attached to anyone.

Fear and Temptation are often confused for the same types. Fear could be considered a pathway, whereas temptation could be said to be the path. But one can not be fear-free and a temptations path can not be unchosen.

Fear is associated with standard parts of the Self as Panic and Anxiety, for example, which are usually associated with anxiety, stress, anger, fear and insecurity. Fear and Temptation are associated with the mind and your relationship to them. Temptations are not always known by our souls. Sometimes by the time a person is described as “tempted,” the person may have already accepted to live in a certain way. Thus, fear and temptation are linked with the image we’ve formed in our mind. So the other person’s situation can be perceived as a threat-not fear.

Fear is associated with our lower plane (kindergarten) vibration and our blind safety- guard instincts. It is associated with the ego, which is out of balance and not grounded but full of fear. Fear and temptations occur when we humans have drifted far from our soul’s intention and purpose. These can be manifested in our work, relationships, our involvement with others and even in our questions of if we’re all alone, among other kinds of possibilities in our life. Fear and a temptation can also be associated with those channels through which we communicate with our soul, our spiritual inner guide.

Affirmations Can Help

So you over-are scared. In fear and in control of your t Gestalt decisions. The unconscious mind always tries to act in the best interest of the person. It tries to protect and preserve the person-state from danger. When it does this, it iscoxireresults as fears and temptations that attempt to pull you down. It could be anger, or fear, or any other emotion that threatens your wonderful, peaceful state.

Fear and temptation are the result of a person who has gone out of balance to absorb a commitment and state of being that threatens the safety of that person. Fear is not a nice feeling. It creates tension between fear-bits of information that are trying to protect you, the person who feels safe, the person who feels unsafe. But as soon as you feel the emotion- fear, you drop kudapoker back into love and it is then that you cannot stay in fear and fear will evolve into something else.

To stop fear and temptations and have a clear and harmonious state of mind is a goal you can seek. You can use your affirmations and each of you will notice that the more you affirm your ability to stay focused on your higher purpose, the less likely fear and temptation can get to take over. You see, your higher purpose is growing, and fear and temptations come to scare away the life that you are manifesting into form. As you affirm your ascendancy and higher consciousness- what you have been waiting for all along, you will find the resistances of ego-self are dissolving automatically. When you are grounded within your soul, you become aware of what you are doing. You know why you want to be in the money, why you want to be at this restaurant, why you want this relationship in your life.

Place your affirmations where you can see them at all times so that you will have a clearer and easier time feeling them. Look at each is for several minutes each day. If you encounter a favorite affirmation, remember it. Meditate on its meaning. In order to get and stay in a state that you love, remember to stay with the details of its meaning.

First Acknowledge

Whatever occurs in your life becomes an opportunity to elevate yourself. Recognize it and rejoice in its manifestation before moving on to higher consciousness.

Practice sequential breathing. Start by taking slow, deep breaths and focus on relaxing the body. Then continue in form with bestowing yourself with wonderful feelings as you see your thoughts and beliefs moving to the next level of understanding the energy behind the current level of fear. Recognize that your fearful thoughts run on a deeper level of fear. When you go to a low place within yourself, if you speak from a succinct place, then the fear jumps up and if you speak from a Chopstick level at the base of your brain, you will not be able to maintain your positive state of mind.

Acknowledge your fear and make a positive declaration to surrender to joy.
